Halloween Potluck

Halloween has to be one of my favourite Holidays. There is something about dressing up and being someone or something different for a night that makes it so exciting. Oh, and the candy doesn’t hurt either! Over the years my Halloweens’ have gone from trick or treating to week long celebrations while in undergrad. For the past three years I have hosted a Halloween Potluck, a new tradition that I hope to continue for many years. There is only ONE rule that has to be obeyed, any dish you bring MUST be Halloween themed. I love how creative everyone gets, it’s so much fun to see what people come up with. At the end we all vote for the best dish and the winner gets bragging rights and their name on the Halloween Potluck trophy.

Here are some pictures of the AMAZING dishes my friends made this year and some great ideas for your own potluck!

I used red food colouring for the blood on these cupcakes

Blood splattered red velvet cupcakes

Blood splattered red velvet cupcakes

KD and JR's Bonanna-tines!

KD and JR’s Boonanna-tines

Marshmallow pretzel bones!

CP’s Marshmallow pretzel bones

DR's spanakopita intestines

DR’s spanakopita intestines

AA's rest in cheese, grilled cheese graveyard

AA’s and HE’s rest in cheese, grilled cheese graveyard

TR'S Puking pumpkin!

TR’s puking pumpkin!

TA's squid ink pasta

TA’s squid ink pasta

JS's quinoa lungs

JS’s quinoa lungs

JH's carrot cake

JH’s carrot cake

AC's werewolf brains and pumpkin guts!

AC’s werewolf brains and pumpkin guts

CG's Black bean zombie mud!

CG’s Black bean zombie mud!

And this year’s 2013 Potluck winner!

JB's Spider venom soup

JB’s Spider venom soup

Happy Halloween!


not foodies.

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