
Even though I was fighting jet lag, I had high expectations for #McEwanAllAccess and knew better than to skip it.  I arrived at McEwan promptly at 7:01 and almost everyone was already there. I was surprised the store was open, but thrilled about the spread that was in front of me.  There were different stations set out in the amazing prepared foods section plus passed appetizers. I made my rounds (and more rounds)…

Some highlights:
PEI beef: served extremely rare. It was super tender, flavourful and delicious.  So much that I even bought a steak to take home. It’s the kind of steak that you only need to eat a few ounces to be completely satisfied.
beef. amazing.
McEwan’s passed appetizers and prepared foods: the lobster tacos on a beet chip were perfect.  Fresh lobster and super crisp chip.  I could have eaten 100.  Fabbrica gnocchi with homemade ricotta.  They sell it regularly and I have been wanting to buy it, but with the $16 price tag I have been hesitant.  Not anymore.  It was light, fluffy and had a beautiful, fresh tomato sauce.   Oysters.  Usually, I’m not even a fan of oysters, but I’ll have one or two.  I went for seconds (possibly thirds).  So fresh with two vibrant mignonettes they sell in the store.  I would come here for after work drinks every night if I could get a spread like this.

lobster and beets. who knew that was a good combo?

Von Doughnuts: It’s hard to believe that my true love in a doughnut is called one night stand, but it is.  Tequila, lime and sale are the best combination in the world.  Yes, I also tried crème brulee, maple bacon, and lemon curd, but the absolute stand out for me was the one night stand.  I need more.  I’m thrilled doughnuts are the new cupcake.
Shout outs also to Makaron a delightful macaron maker with magical flavours like passion fruit chocolate.  I had justOD’ed onmacarons, but yours made me feel like I hadn’t left Paris.

this is what dreams are made of.

Also to Hot Bunz.  Love the taste and concept.  I wish I could have had more than one, but sadly, my stomach seems to no longer be a bottomless pit.

After all this amazing food, we got to shop our way through the store. McEwan is an amazing grocery store with unparelled prepared foods, an abundance of speciality products and the highest quality fresh produce, meats, fish, cheeses and more.  Shopping there is an experience.  Toronto we should consider ourselves lucky because they are opening a second location downtown!
Special thanks to Abbey Sharp from Abbey’s Kitchen for hosting the event and selecting me for a ticket. It was great to meet and eat with you!  Also thank you to Chef Mark for being fabulous as always.  I was pleasantly surprised that you remembered me!  I look forward to seeing you again (because I’m sure it will involve great eating)!