
About Us

So you might ask, why aren’t we foodies?  We hate the word and all the pretentiousness that comes with it.  We just love fun places and yummy food.

About Ashley

I’m an ex-picky eater, but very much improving. Now, a student in culinary and baking arts, and a devout follower of Martha Stewart (post prison days). I make killer brownies with a recipe stolen from countless hours of food TV watching.  I’m constantly thinking about my next meal and hope it includes fried chicken. Some people have hobbies like sports or fashion, mine is eating.  Read more.

About Jess

I’m an ex-vegetarian, who grew up running around some of Toronto’s fanciest restaurants in a party dress. Being brought up in a food services family (my parents are a caterer, a restaurant photographer and an expert meat man) has helped me learn about all things food, cooking and restaurant service. But for me it’s not all about fine dining, a good Mac and Cheese can win my heart any day.  Today, I love throwing dinner parties and am an expert in all things cupcakes.  Read more.

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