House of Chan

This might have been the 4th birthday in a row we celebrated at House of Chan.  Yes, it’s overpriced, but it certainly is tasty!  I understand steak, lobster and Chinese food seems to be a strange combination, but here, they get it right.

The crispy noodles they start you with are addictive in their dark plum/sweet and sour sauce.  You can eat a whole bowl and spoil what is about to be an amazing meal.

The staff are incredible.  You are never low on anything, they refill your water when it’s half full and are never far if you need to ask for something.

My group always starts with barbecued ribs and sometimes egg rolls.  I’m not a big rib fan, but they always get devoured.  The egg rolls are standard, but important for me to have something while I wait (and watch everyone else eat the ribs).  This time we also tried the Taste Sensation – butterflied shrimp, wrapped in bacon and deep-fried.  If you are looking for something extra decadent, they are worth a try.  I won’t even try to explain them because I’m sure you can guess how delicious they are.

For mains, we get a mix of everything – Chinese food with steak and lobster.  For Chinese food we usually get chop suey and lemon chicken.  Both are good, standard Chinese dishes.  Sometimes we get beef and broccoli.  I’ve never been disappointed.  If we stopped there, it would be a good meal, but the star of the show comes next.

Seeing the butter warmer gets me excited!

the butter warmer gets me excited!

When the butter warmers, shell crackers and tiny forks come out, I know we are ready for the main event.  There’s a lobster tank where you can select the lobster you want (too sad for me) or choose by size.  They cook it based on your preference – steamed, broiled, Cantonese style… The lobster is tender and amazingly buttery (my pieces swim in the butter for an extra long dip).  Plus they bring out sides like crispy onions, roasted potatoes and a huge plate of raw vegetables (tomato, onion, green pepper rings and celery).  Ok, the vegetables I find a little odd.  And we still get a huge 16 ounce steak which is cooked to perfection and sliced in the kitchen for sharing.  The steak is charred on the outside, but pink in the centre, tender, juicy, mmmmm.

The meal ends with fortune cookies and small almond cookies.  They also give you a moist towelette.  You walk out of there with a smile and a very full tummy.

Best: The surf and turf combo.  Just looking at the container of melted butter makes me smile.

Not the best: the price.  eek.

Note: with the new Eglinton subway/LRT on its way, it may not be around too much longer.  Try to get there before it’s too late!

876 Eglinton Ave W (at Bathurst)

House of Chan Steak 'n Lobster Dining Lounge on Urbanspoon