Extreme Beans

If you are Canadian you have most likely had a Caesar (not to be confused with a Bloody Mary). If you live in the US, you are really missing out! The traditional Caesar comes with vodka, Clamato, hot sauce and Worcestershire (pronounced wuus-ter-sher). Many restaurants are doing amazing things with the Caesar – I had one at Garde Mange in Montreal with an entire crab claw as the garnish. Sometimes I feel like this drink is more of a meal and there is nothing wrong with that!

A few years ago while Ashley and I were at one of the many food show events we attend, I came across a booth that was handing out Caesars with beans as the garnish. With one bite, I was hooked. What were these magic beans you ask? Extreme Beans!

Matt & Steve's Extreme Beans

Matt & Steve’s Extreme Beans

Besides the amazing mix of spicy and salty flavour, these beans have a great crunch to them. Often, I will put two or three in my drink and even eat them straight out of the jar. The owners, Matt & Steve really know what they are doing and have made a business out of perfecting the Caesar. They even sell a delicious Caesar rim.  If you have yet to try them I suggest you head over to their website and purchase some online… like NOW!  They also sell them at most grocery stores if you need them sooner.

They also have a few other products that I have been meaning to try like olives. I’m sure they are great though!
