Momofuku – Nikai

Part 1 – Jess will be posting her review shortly.

I was pretty psyched when Momfuku came to town.  Not wait-in-line-for-hours psyched, but pay-$150-for-fried-chicken excitement.  BUT very mixed review from friends and strangers online stopped me from experiencing the most hyped restaurant for a while… but not forever.

On a rainy night, I had to meet a friend I hadn’t hung out with in a while  We wanted good drinks and somewhere with subway access*** (and very little walking in the rain).  Our first choice was closed, so we decided we would try Momofuku.  Hoping just for drinks, but maybe, just maybe getting into the Noodle Bar without a super long wait.  We arrived just before 7pm on a Friday… We were told it would be about 10 minutes for a table at Noodle Bar.  While deciding if we would go to the bar or just wait, the table became available.  But we still decided to go to the bar.

This is a totally awesome SECRET.  No line, same menu, super helpful (and cute) bartender.

We didn’t order a ton because we were there for the drinks, but not the food, but we didn’t leave hungry either.

Pickles – a small jar of pickles filled with brine (kind of odd to wrestle them out and get the brine everywhere), with mixed vegetables.  Everything was really tasty – carrots, celery, onions.  The only thing I didn’t love were the mushrooms.  I am not a fan of the slimy Chinese mushroom.

Pickles in brine

Pickles in brine

Pork bun – hoisin, scallion, cucumber – even though we aren’t big pork eaters, we couldn’t say no to the signature item.  A little too fatty, but it is pork belly.  The bun was also a little greasy.  It almost slipped out of my hand, but you still must get it.  I doubt you will be disappointed.

Mandatory order

Mandatory order

Ginger scallion noodles – shiitake, cucumber, cabbage – maybe not the most exciting choice, but very tasty and flavourful.  Lots of ginger and scallion flavour (duh!).  Vegetables were cool, but the noodles were hot.  After mixing together, we slurped them up happily.  Also greasy, I may have dropped a few on the ground (Sorry!)

Noodles after they were mixed.

Noodles after they were mixed.

Roasted rice cakes – red chili, onion, sesame – the name totally throws you off when you see the end product, but these are a must order.  Made out of rice flour into the cutest gnocchi-esque balls of yumminess.  These were slightly spicy and totally addictive.  Thinking back to them puts a smile on my face.

No way to describe, just go try.

No way to describe, just go try.

Crack pie – They call it that for a reason.  The best butter tart, but better.  Super decadent.  Real whipped cream.  Mmmmm.

Say yes to crack

Say yes to crack… pie

We also stopped by Milk.  A little closet next to the bar.  We picked up 6 cookies for $11.  I loved the cornflake marshmallow and compost cookie.  I should go back there soon.

I’ll be honest, I don’t remember the exact drinks I had, but I think it was the malabar crush – gin, ginger, lime juice, pok pok som tamarind and then something bellini-like, sparkling with peach.  Both were totally delicious and refreshing.  I trusted the bartender’s recommendation and suggest you do the same.  Just go.  And fast.

Overall, it ended up being an amazing night.

Best: Rice cakes.  No contest.  Not like anything I’ve ever had.

Not the best: Tough call this time, but for me it was the pork bun.  Not because they weren’t delicious, just personal preference.

***Say no to drinking and driving  There’s no reason to do it.  EVER

190 University Ave (University and Richmond)

Bar Isabel

One of my very good friends finally came home.  I have a few friends away in other cities which started as university homes, but continued for longer than I wanted. People are starting to realize Toronto is an amazing city.

On a Sunday night at 8:45, we tried Bar Isabel. It’s on a weird part of College so they parked a few blocks away without realizing (it’s close to Ossington). The place was jammed. And tables kept getting turned over as the night went on (10 on a Sunday and this isn’t New York).

I wasn’t feeling great or particularly adventurous, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the great eats. We ordered quite a bit….

Garden Pickles x 3 – there’s no such thing as a pickle that’s not my friend.  This was a great mix – broccoli, celery, peppers, carrots and more with a little spice.  Perfectly done.  We ordered two to start and then I needed a third.

Olives – meh.  Just olives.  A couple different kinds with garlic, some lemon zest and hot peppers.  It sounds strange, but they really didn’t have much flavour.

Pan con jambon iberico – delightful white-ish bread, covered with super yummy, tender meat that tasted awesome.  It was the perfect amount of saltiness and I could have sworn there was butter on the bread, but no, just piggy fat..  Worth getting for sure, twice even.

Patatas bravadas – glorified tater tots, but 100x better.  They were so creamy on the inside and crispy on the outside.  Covered in aioli (I picked around – for a refresher on my dislikes check out ) and green onions.  A definite must order.  Everyone will love them.

Fried chicken – I consider myself to be a fried chicken expert.  And this was a winner.  Juicy (almost too juicy if that is possible) and super crisp.  No bone.  I ate it with my hands.  I’m like that sometimes.

Shishito peppers with salt – the mandatory vegetable.  I was looking around before we got any food and thought people were eating jalapenos.  How wrong I was.  These were nicely charred and perfectly salted.  Be careful though, a couple were pretty spicy.

Half a grilled octopus – You’ll need to trust my friends, but they were happy to have tried this (would I say you need to order this? no, but you can for the spectacle).  They described it as a little slimy (like okra) and chewy, but also crispy where the tentacles were.  No thank you for me, but to each their own.

And king crab – this was covered in a red sauce that was not as flavourful as I expected.  They serve it to you with a nutcracker and a poker (two pronged fork) to let you get the most out of it.  Again, not a good white pants dish, but everyone was happy with it.

The drink menu is excellent.  There isn’t a tequila drink I don’t try, so I went for one infused with pineapple, sage and lime juice.  Wasn’t tart enough for me and all the flavours sort of cancelled themselves out.  Needless to say, next time I will be following my friend and going with the We choose yer adventure.  This is actually on their menu!  You choose an alcohol and some adjectives, he went for bourbon and refreshing and he got a fabulous bourbony lemonade.  I’m wondering if you say the same adjectives, if everyone gets the same drink or they mix it up.  I’ll need to find out.

Best: Fried chicken – it was so juicy and crispy, the perfect combination.

Not the Best: Olives. They were just olives.

Sorry for the lack of pictures.  I will get better… Feel free to ask questions!

797 College St. (College and Ossington)

Bar Isabel on Urbanspoon