
I owe a lot of my passion for food (and fancy restaurants) to one specific friend.  We met almost 10 years ago when we were both eating very differently than we do today.   Me – the queen of picky eating, him – the king of the dieters.  Since then, we have shared many meals, in many cities.  Most of them very fabulous.  We love trying new places together and have been to very few repeats.  Plus, it helps that he’s an expert at getting impossible reservations!

We went to Cava.  Dinner for four.  We had an amazing pinot noir (ok, two bottles) – Josef Chromy.  Usually, I drink cocktails or sometimes white wine (my preference is light bodied, non oaky).  But this wine was perfect with our meal – easy to drink, great flavour.

You get the option of ordering from the menu or having them bring you food.  We did a little of both.  Oddly enough, the selections we made were mostly vegetables.  The dishes our amazing waitress selected for us were almost exactly what we would have chosen for ourselves.  Dishes came out one by one – fast and furiously.  It seemed like the right pace for our 8:15 weeknight meal.

From the beginning….

Watermelon salad with unpasteurized sheep’s milk cheese and pickled ramps – While I was a big fan, this had mixed reviews.  One friend said the watermelon tasted artificially flavoured since it was compressed.  Everyone loved the pickle ramps.  I could eat them on anything.  Overall a good start to a great meal.

Compressed watermelon salad

Compressed watermelon salad

Fried shishito peppers with gazpacho chaser – a good charred shishito pepper is everyone’s friend.  One person got a really spicy one (it’s like pepper roulette when you eat them, good luck!).  4 peppers weren’t enough for our crowd, but we played nice and shared the soup too.  A good pairing.

Bruschetta of edamame, grilled green onions, Moroccan olives and Sicilian tomatoes – a group favourite (and must order), we were debating if there was cheese mixed in with the edamame.  No cheese, but a light, nicely salted, whipped edamame base topped with super flavourful roasted vegetables.  This was one of the dishes selected for us.

Papas fritas – very complicated name for fries.  They were fried with rosemary, other herbs and served in a cone.  There’s a small hole cut into each table to put the stand of the cone into.  You can tell this is a super popular choice.  Who doesn’t like fries?

Kingfish ceviche verde – I didn’t try this, but it was presented with tortilla chips.  The group seemed to like it, but didn’t finish it

Roast sablefish with black rice and braised escarole – while I’m not a fan of fish and seafood, I do make some exceptions.  This was a really light and tasty fish with two great sides.  The rice was creamy and the escarole soft and only slightly bitter.  Overall, a great plate.

Fish too pretty not to eat

Fish too pretty not to eat

Venison anticucho with a warm red cabbage salad – for my first time tasting venison, this skewer was a winner.  Slightly gamey (think a cross between lamb and beef), it had a nice texture.  Apparently, venison is usually more gamey, but this was a good introduction.  The cabbage was kind of pickled like a slaw – I loved it.  I thought it was a little odd that the waitress served this with the brussel sprouts (next item) since cabbage and sprouts are similar… that being said…

Roasted brussel sprouts with black garlic – roasted to perfection with the excellent, pungent taste of black garlic (another thing I had meant to try).  I kept spooning these on to my plate.

Seven vegetable quinoa “couscous” with marcona almonds and dates – Nothing couscous about this, it was a cross between Indian and Moroccan flavours and ingredients.  Chickpeas were in the mix, but the biggest seller was the almonds.  They were spiced with a curry-esque flavouring, I couldn’t stop eating them.

Forty-eight hour beef brisket with white puree and chimichurri – I was pretty excited for this dish, but it fell a little flat for me.  The brisket was too fatty (you will RARELY hear me say that) and the chimichurri was sort of like roasted greens.  It didn’t pack the usual zesty punch I was looking for.  I couldn’t identify the white puree, but it was decent.  Not a bad dish, but not a great way to end such a spectacular dinner.

Churros – pretty unfair for me to comment since I ordered one without cinnamon.  For me, the chocolate sauce they came with was too dark or bitter.  Everyone else enjoyed them.

Best: Bruschetta of edamame, grilled green onions, Moroccan olives and Sicilian tomatoes by far.  I would go back just for these and the wine.  But I would obviously order other things too!

Not the best: 48 hour beef brisket with white puree and chimichurri.  Get braised brisket elsewhere, like at a bbq restaurant.

1560 Yonge St. (Yonge and St Clair)

Cava on Urbanspoon

Bar Isabel

One of my very good friends finally came home.  I have a few friends away in other cities which started as university homes, but continued for longer than I wanted. People are starting to realize Toronto is an amazing city.

On a Sunday night at 8:45, we tried Bar Isabel. It’s on a weird part of College so they parked a few blocks away without realizing (it’s close to Ossington). The place was jammed. And tables kept getting turned over as the night went on (10 on a Sunday and this isn’t New York).

I wasn’t feeling great or particularly adventurous, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the great eats. We ordered quite a bit….

Garden Pickles x 3 – there’s no such thing as a pickle that’s not my friend.  This was a great mix – broccoli, celery, peppers, carrots and more with a little spice.  Perfectly done.  We ordered two to start and then I needed a third.

Olives – meh.  Just olives.  A couple different kinds with garlic, some lemon zest and hot peppers.  It sounds strange, but they really didn’t have much flavour.

Pan con jambon iberico – delightful white-ish bread, covered with super yummy, tender meat that tasted awesome.  It was the perfect amount of saltiness and I could have sworn there was butter on the bread, but no, just piggy fat..  Worth getting for sure, twice even.

Patatas bravadas – glorified tater tots, but 100x better.  They were so creamy on the inside and crispy on the outside.  Covered in aioli (I picked around – for a refresher on my dislikes check out ) and green onions.  A definite must order.  Everyone will love them.

Fried chicken – I consider myself to be a fried chicken expert.  And this was a winner.  Juicy (almost too juicy if that is possible) and super crisp.  No bone.  I ate it with my hands.  I’m like that sometimes.

Shishito peppers with salt – the mandatory vegetable.  I was looking around before we got any food and thought people were eating jalapenos.  How wrong I was.  These were nicely charred and perfectly salted.  Be careful though, a couple were pretty spicy.

Half a grilled octopus – You’ll need to trust my friends, but they were happy to have tried this (would I say you need to order this? no, but you can for the spectacle).  They described it as a little slimy (like okra) and chewy, but also crispy where the tentacles were.  No thank you for me, but to each their own.

And king crab – this was covered in a red sauce that was not as flavourful as I expected.  They serve it to you with a nutcracker and a poker (two pronged fork) to let you get the most out of it.  Again, not a good white pants dish, but everyone was happy with it.

The drink menu is excellent.  There isn’t a tequila drink I don’t try, so I went for one infused with pineapple, sage and lime juice.  Wasn’t tart enough for me and all the flavours sort of cancelled themselves out.  Needless to say, next time I will be following my friend and going with the We choose yer adventure.  This is actually on their menu!  You choose an alcohol and some adjectives, he went for bourbon and refreshing and he got a fabulous bourbony lemonade.  I’m wondering if you say the same adjectives, if everyone gets the same drink or they mix it up.  I’ll need to find out.

Best: Fried chicken – it was so juicy and crispy, the perfect combination.

Not the Best: Olives. They were just olives.

Sorry for the lack of pictures.  I will get better… Feel free to ask questions!

797 College St. (College and Ossington)

Bar Isabel on Urbanspoon