The Best Blender Ever

As a new wife, I recently received more than my fair share of gifts (thanks husband for letting me choose what “we” want/need).  One of the best items I received is costly but worth every penny.  It comes with  a 7 year warranty and satisfies my daily smoothie craving,  my Vitamix is a prized possession.  Note: this is not for the faint of heart.  I thought about this blender for over 3 years, watching demos in awe at every trade show.  At over $500, this is a serious investment for a top notch blender.

It crushes everything.  It can cook a hot soup and freeze an ice cream all on its own (I haven’t tried either).  I usually make smoothies and soups, but I cook the ingredients first before blending.  It’s super easy to clean – whir up a couple drops of soap with hot water or put it in the dishwasher.  The only thing about it that isn’t perfect is the noise it makes, it sounds like a plane taking off.

My go-to smoothie recipe (I start work at 8am, there’s no time for breakfast before):

  • 1 cup of vanilla almond milk
  • A few tablespoons vanilla/plain yogurt
  • 1 cup of frozen fruit (now this is peaches and mango, but often mixed berries)

Sometimes I add in other things to change it up like oats (yes, seems weird to add raw oats, but they are quite good), flax seeds, honey or maple syrup

Tip: wait for them at Costco… they are usually about $50 off